速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Guitar Intervals Unleashed

Guitar Intervals Unleashed



檔案大小:122.4 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 10.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Guitar Intervals Unleashed(圖1)-速報App

Master your guitar fretboard with the NANDI Method! NANDI is an acronym for Note After Note Decoding Intervals. This is the first app to train you to visualize the distance between any two notes, which is fundamental to learning chords and scales. Using this method you will know where every note and interval is on your fretboard without memorization.

Based on the method explored in the book “Guitar Intervals Unleashed”, this companion app will get you to understand the importance of visualizing intervals, not just hearing them like some other methods. Whether you’re an experienced shredder or a brand-new player, you will benefit from this method.

A simple three-screen interface makes this app extremely easy to use:

Main menu, where you will choose the skill to learn

Guitar Intervals Unleashed(圖2)-速報App

Training mode with Hint feature/Game mode with timer to test your skills &

Instructions, which explains how the game works

Easy and simple for players of all skills! Makes learning fun and actually makes you learn!

Guitar Intervals Unleashed(圖3)-速報App


• Accommodates right and left-handed players!

• Has Basic, Advanced, and Expert modes for players of all skill levels!

• The only guitar app with option to isolate your practice to chosen string set!

Guitar Intervals Unleashed(圖4)-速報App

• Training mode for exercises with hint feature to guide you!

• Game mode with timer and score to track your progress!

• Aural training simultaneously with visual training to train your ear too!

The app is divided into thirteen separate sections so you can focus on exactly what you want to know!

Guitar Intervals Unleashed(圖5)-速報App

• Interval Architecture

• Finding Natural Notes

• Intervals/Notes: Across Your Fretboard

• Locating Intervals/Notes

Guitar Intervals Unleashed(圖6)-速報App

• Intervals/Notes: Left to Right

• Intervals/Notes: Right to Left

• Identify Fourths

• Identify Fifths

Guitar Intervals Unleashed(圖7)-速報App

• Identify Minor Sevenths

• Identify Major Seconds

• CAGED Octaves

• CAGED Intervals

Guitar Intervals Unleashed(圖8)-速報App

• Interval Inversions

支援平台:iPhone, iPad